By default, an active experience will be served to all visitors of your website. This might be your intention, in which case you don’t need to do anything further. However, targeting is a very powerful tool which allows you to personalize your experiences to specific audiences, so it may be something you want to explore more.
User Targeting
In this section you’re able to target experiences to specific users. It’s important to note that by activating anything within this section, the rules will be applied to all experiences within your placement.
If you want experiences to run in certain countries, search for them and select from the drop-down list. If you add ‘United States of America’ and ‘Canada’, your experiences will only appear on your website to visitors physically situated in those locations. All other countries will be excluded.
Device Type
You may only wish your experience to be displayed to users visiting your site on a desktop computer (this example is pictured below). In which case activate ‘Desktop’, and so on. You can select multiple options.
OS Type
If your experience is to only be displayed to users visiting your site through a Windows operating system, activate ‘Windows’. You can select multiple options.
Browser Type
By selecting a browser from the drop-down menu, you can set your experience to show only to users visiting your site through one of those browsers. Again, you can set multiple options here.
Page Targeting
In this section you’re able to target experiences to individual pages of your website. You can also target specific page attributes, or use elements from your campaign targeting. Again, it’s important to note that by activating anything within this section, the rules will be applied to all experiences in your placement.
Webpage URL
To activate your experience on select web pages, choose ‘Is’ from the drop-down menu, and paste the full URL into the box. To exclude your experience from designated pages, select ‘Is not’ from the drop-down menu, and add the URL to the box. You can add as many URLs as you like, but you’re not able to create a mix of methods. All of the chosen pages will follow the same criteria for inclusion or exclusion.
Campaign Targeting
xPath Targeting
Once you’ve made changes to anything in this section, you must save your changes, by activating the ‘Save’ button in the bottom right corner of the screen.
Usage Capping
Finally, there is also the option to select how many times each user sees your experience by limiting the number of impressions. For example, if you think that your experience should be seen on at least 10 page impressions, set this number (pictured below) and then activate the toggle switch to activate the setting.