Demand FAQs

Have more questions? Submit a request

Q: Does our ad player allow skippable options for ads? 

A: Yes, our ad player supports skippable ads. If an ad includes skip functionality, it will be enabled by default on the player.

Q: Can EX.CO block specific ads or advertisers?

A: Yes, EX.CO can block specific ads or advertisers. We track the SSP and block the ad domain or apply a category block as needed. To request a block, submit a support ticket with the relevant details.

Q: What demand integrations do we offer for VAST, Prebid or others? 


VAST integration VAST 2, VAST 3, including Google publisher tags 
Prebid integration Yahoo, Telaria, Unruly, SpotX, Sonobi, Smart Ad Server, Rubicon, Rich Audience, Rhythmone, Pubmatic, OpenX, One Video, One Tag, Krushmedia, IX, mprove Digital, Gumgum, Freewheel, EMX, Conversant, Appnexus, Adman
Amazon Fully support Amazon TAM/UAM 

Q: What tools do we use for Ad Quality? 

A: Clean IO.

Q: What 3rd party tools does EX.CO use for Invalid Traffic, Bot Traffic Review, or Fraud Detection?

A: 3rd party tool called Human

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