Our Outstream ad units are just a click away!

Starting today, using our Native and Outsream ad units is even easier! The ad units can be easily generated by using Cedato's platform tag manager. No API or coding needed.

The new feature can be embedded in any website, and any environment, either mobile or desktop. With the new ad unit format configuration, you can increase engagement, utilizing the full capabilities of Cedato's Video Operating system.

When creating an HTML Player Supply tag, in addition to the current default In-Banner ad unit, you'll also have the option to choose either In-Feed or In-Content ad units as follows:

  • In-Banner - The current default HTML Player unit. This tag will be used in a banner size placement.
  • In-Feed - Native format placed within the web page content and articles. The In-feed unit appears as soon as the webpage is loaded. Video Ad/Content will start playing once 50% of the player's height is visible on screen or as configured.
  • In-Content - Placed within a standard web page content and articles. The In-Content unit is not visible until 50% (this can be adjusted) of its expected height is in the viewable screen and can be configured to be hidden once it finishes playing.

How to create and use the Outstream Ad Units?

Go to 'Manage'-> choose 'Supply'. Click the 'Add' button, a new tab for creating a new Supply will open. Choose the HTML Player Supply Type, define the settings (remember to check the ‘allow sound’ checkbox if you wish to play sound on the unit by default).

Once you click the 'Create' button you can go to the 'Tag' tab, there you’ll see the new 'Pick a Supply Tag' setting where you can choose between the In-Banner, In-feed and In-Content. After selecting the Outstream ad unit type, the 'Customize' section will be updated accordingly. Enter your desired placement domain and then simply copy and paste it into your webpage.

If you wish to further customize the Ad Unit, you can mark 'Advanced Options' as 'Yes'.

For Further Information click here. 
