Create Callback Macro Encryption Keys using the Cedato Dashboard

When configuring callback on Cedato we enable using various macros for passing parameters to the callback receiving party. Some of the macros may hold some sensitive data such as revenue per ad impressions. Starting today we enable passing such data in an encrypted manner and allow customers to generate the keys using the Cedato Dashboard.

The first macro to use the encryption system is 'Ad Start price [RPM]', whose purpose is to provide the demand ad impression price using a callback. 

The Cedato macro encryption uses a symmetric key algorithm. It uses an encryption key for the encryption and decryption of the relevant values, while authenticating the received data. The encryption mechanism uses the AES-128 cipher in CBC mode and Base64 encoding to provide delivery via URL.

For the purpose of decryption of the value, use the key generated on the Cedato Dashboard. You can find it under the Network Settings->Encryption Key tab.

Setting Maximum Ad Requests per Opportunity

Today we add a new capability, allowing to limit the number of ad requests sent to all demand partners per opportunity.

Customers may face a policy coming from their supply partner, let it be a publisher or a DSP, to restrict the number of ad requests sent out to the various demand partners. Meaning, limiting the total number of ad requests sent per each opportunity. For example:

-A publisher who limits the number of requests sent out from the web page every time it is loaded

-A DSP that is asked by the SSP to limit the number of ad requests sent after winning an opportunity

Starting today, you can simply access the HTML type Supply Item configuration menu and under the Restrictions tab set the maximum value. If and when this number is reached, the player will stop sending requests.