To generate a new Cedato Supply tag, complete the steps in the New Supply section, and click the Create button.

Note : Clicking on the Report  icon displays this Supply items report at the top of the page.

The Tag shows the actual code snippet (representing the Supply) to be copied into your web page, buying platform or app.

The Preview area (shown above) displays an example of what the player will look like. This preview is only available for the Basic player.

You can click the VIEW ADDITIONAL SUPPLY PARAMETERS option to display a list of the parameters that are supported for sending additional information to the player.

Note: When you are editing a Supply item, the Cedato Tag may need to be recopied from the Cedato dashboard into the Publisher’s web page/application, as described in Replacing the Cedato Tag when Editing a Supply Item.

Note: Clicking on the Report  icon displays this Supply items report at the top of the page.

Replacing the Cedato tag when Editing a Supply Item

The following describes what happens if you make changes to a Supply item under the Tag section, after you have already implemented the Tag in the desired placements.

Any changes that you make to the definition of a Supply item (excluding those in the TAG section) should take effect for the Supply item within a very short time; and there is no need to copy the Tag again from the Cedato user interface.

Any changes that you make to a Supply item in its Tag section are immediately reflected in the Tag displayed in the Code section (shown below).

This Tag must be recopied into the Publisher’s web page, Exchange or application.