
When autoplay is false or the Player is in paused mode, continues/starts Player activity.

Sample usage:;


Pauses the Player activity, content video or ads, and sends the associated event or pause to demands.

Sample usage:



Resizes the Player to the desired dimensions. Passes the dimensions as follows:

resize( width, height)

  • width - Number, amount of pixels, should be greater than 0.
  • height - Number, amount of pixels, should be greater than 0.

Sample usage:

apiInterface.resize(300, 400);


Sets the content playing position. Content should be already defined and loaded. Passes the parameter as follows: seekContent(time)

  • time - requested content position in seconds.

Sample usage:



Retrieves the current position of playing video.

Sample usage:

let progress = apiInterface.getProgress()

Returns progress object (or null if nothing is playing):

  • time - number, seconds, current video (content or ad) position. Can be null for unknown or negative if only remaining time is known.
  • duration - number, seconds, current video (content or ad) duration. Can be null for unknown.
  • content - boolean, true when content is currently playing.
  • paused - boolean, player is paused.


Sets the Player sound volume.


  • For many  VPAIDS, volume can't be controlled unlessthe  sound is set to 'dynamic' in initiOverrides.

Passes the parameter of volume as  follows: sound( volume)

  • volume - boolean or number in [0;1] range.

Sample usage:



Changes the parameters of the Player. Can be used to change, extend, or augment Dashboard settings. Passes the parameters as follows: overrideInitParams(params)

  • params
    Type: Object
    Object that contains one or more properties that need to be overridden during

Possible params are:

    • autoplay
      • true - play when ready
      • false - play after “play button” is clicked
    • allowSound
      • true - enable sound if possible
      • false - mute sound completely
      • ‘dynamic’ - disable sound but allow future unmute
      • ‘must’ - enable sound and disable autoplay if necessary (on mobile)
    • contentUrl
      • video url string or comma separated list of URLs
    • contentClickUrl
      • URL where user will be redirected after clicking on content element
    • contentImage
      • image URL
    • contentImagePosition 
  • ‘contain’ | ‘cover’ - see setContentImage for details 
  • rotate
    • the maximum allowed advertising rotations
  • skipButton
    • true - show skip button
    • false - default, do not show skip button
  • closeButton
    • true - show close button
    • false - default, do not show close button

Sample usage:

 autoplay: false, // can be: true | false
 allowSound: true, //can be: true | 'dynamic' | 'must'
 contentUrl: '',
 contentClickUrl: '',
 contentImage: '',
 contentImagePosition: 'contain', // 'cover'
 rotate: 5,
 skipButton: true,
 closeButton: true,


Stops playing the currently playing ad or content video, and starts playing the next one.

Sample usage:



Pauses a currently playing ad, stops sending requests for ads, and plays the content, meaning that content only is played in the current session (without ads).

Sample usage:



Loads and starts playing ads. (Can be used after pauseAds, will resume the requests to the VASTs.)

Sample usage:



Closes the Player (and stops playing), passes the parameter as follows: close(preserveDiv).

  • preserveDiv - boolean:
    • false - the default if not passed, after closing player remove self container from the dom
    • true - after closing the Player, removes all elements except root container. (Uses this in case the Div contains object than the Player)

Sample usage:



Makes the Player visible on the page.

Sample usage:;


Returns the version of Cedato Player.

Sample usage:



In order to set the content, the content is passed using the following method: apiInterface.setContent(contentDescriptor)

The following properties of the contentDescriptor are optional:

  • video
    • string or array, video URL(s)
    • URL where user will be redirected after clicking on content element
    • true - allow playing content in loop
    • false - disable playing content in loop
    • true - allow shuffling content video list
    • false - disallow shuffling content video list
    • true - show control bar for content
    • false - do not show control bar for content
    • url
    • clickUrl
    • loop
    • shuffle
    • controlBar
  • image
    • image url string
    • ‘contain’ | ‘cover’ - for details see setContentImage for details
    • url
    • position

Sample usage:

   video: "",
   image: ""})

   video: ["",""],
   image: ""})

   video: {
       url: '',
       clickUrl: '',
       loop: true,
       shuffle: true,
       controlBar: true
       url: '',
       position: 'contain',


Sets a reference or a list of references for the content video. Passes parameters as follows: setContentUrls(contentUrl,samePosition)

  • contentUrl - string, video URL or comma separated list of URLs
  • samePosition - optional, boolean, preserve video position (time) when switching to a new video source.

Sample usage:



Sets the content image to be shown before the content video starts or before the advertising starts, and shown as background for the play button. Passes the parameters as follows:
setContentImage(imageUrl, position)

  • imageUrl - string, fully qualified link to an image
  • position - optional, string
    • default (not set) - image is centered without scaling
    • ‘contain’ - scales the image with the preservation of proportions so that the whole picture is fit into the unit
    • ‘cover’ - scales the image with the preservation of proportions so that its width or height is equal to the width or height of the block

Sample usage:

apiInterface.setContentImage('', 'contain');