The top of Cedato reports shows a chart that graphically represents the measures of the supply or demand items selected in the report: per hour or per day.
A different tab is provided for each measure, such as Revenue, Opportunities, Ad Requests, Impressions, Fill Rate, RPM, Impression RPM and Cost, as shown above. Simply click the relevant tab to display each chart.
Graph Lines
A single graph line appears when more than 5 supply or demand items are selected in the report. Supply or demand items are selected by checking the checkbox on the left of each row. If 5 or fewer supply or demand item checkboxes
are selected, then each is shown as a different colored graph line. For example, as shown below:
Note: If you have fewer than six items, please choose minus one of the total amount of items in order to view each item separately in the graph.
If the chart is taking up too much space and there is no need to display the trend, you can simply shrink it by clicking the arrow shown below:
You can click the arrow again to re-expand.
Time Frame
The time frame of a report is displayed according to the selection in the calendar . Simply click on it to select a new time range if needed:
Data Point Values
To see the exact value of each data point, simply hover over it, as shown below:
Time Zone
The time zone of the chart can be controlled by clicking in it , which appears in the top right of the window and will open menu bar with all the time zone options.
Changing the time zone only affects the report in which you modify it. These time zone settings are saved on the browser/computer.
The Cedato activity log continues to work according to EST. Cedato legacy reports always operate according to EST, even if you change the time zone here.