It enables you to target the size of the players.
To target the desired sizes, go to the Targeting tab in the Edit Demand page.
You can target the size by using one of the following ways:
- Exclude - Will allow all the sizes of traffic that are not in the ranges of the chosen sizes.
- Include - Will allow only the sizes of traffic in the ranges of the chosen sizes.
Player Sizes - You can either choose custom size or predefined sizes; Small, Medium, Large:
- If you target by Include, Medium and Large sizes, you will only receive requests from players with a size that fits into one of these ranges (Medium or Large). In this case, player size of 350x700 will not be filtered out. Only sizes with the Width and Height within the yellow areas below will receive requests. In case you do want it to be included, please use custom size as detailed below:
- If you target by Include Custom, for Custom> Width 300 and Height 250, you only receive requests from players in a size fitting into this range. For example, traffic of size 350x700 will will be included. Only traffic with the Width and Height that belong in the yellow area below will receive requests:
- If you target by Exclude, Medium and Large sizes, you will only get requests from players in a size that doesn't fit into one of these ranges (Medium or Large). In this case, players with a size of 350x700 will send requests to this Demand. Only sizes within a Width and Height that belong to the yellow area below will receive requests:
- If you target by Exclude Custom, for Custom> Width 300 and Height 250, you will only receive requests from players with a size that doesn't fit into this range. In this case, a player with a size of 350x700 won't send requests to this Demand. Only sizes with the Width and Height that belong to the yellow area below will receive requests: