PATCH /api/player//targeting
Targeting Object Id
country_codes_oper | Include/Exclude countries |
2 - exclude 1 - include |
country_codes | Country codes | list of country codes |
browsers_oper | Include/Exclude browsers |
2 - exclude 1 - include |
browsers |
Browsers with versions browser:from-to |
cr:30-latest - Chrome ff:17-latest - Firefox op:15-latest - Opera ie:7-latest - Explorer/Edge sa:5-latest - Safari |
os_oper | Include/Exclude operating system |
2 - exclude 1 - include |
os |
Operating systems with version os:from-to |
and:4.0-latest - Android osx:10.5-latest - OsX ios:7-latest - ios win:7-latest - Windows |
sizes_oper | Include/Exclude player sizes |
2 - exclude 1 - include |
sizes |
Players sizes list a:from-to (width x height) |
a:0-75000 - Small a:230400-all - Medium a:75001-230399 - Large custom - other |
Sample Request
curl -X PATCH \ -H 'accept: application/json'
-H 'api-version: 1'
-H 'authorization: Bearer '
-H 'content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
targeting[browsers_oper]=2&targeting[browsers]=cr:30-latest,op:15-39&targeting[country_codes_oper]=1&targeting[country_codes]=US&targeting[os]=and:4-latest&targeting[os_oper]=1 |
*Note: sending an empty body to this endpoint will delete the targeting from the supply