Get Demand
GET /api/demand/[Demand_id]
Attribute Name | Summary | Possible Values |
vastId | Demand Id | int |
name | Demand Name | string |
CPM | Demand CPM | float |
url | Demand URL | string |
is_mobile_web | Is mobile web tag | 0/1 |
is_mobile_app | Is mobile app tag | 0/1 |
is_desktop | Is desktop tag | 0/1 |
is_ctv | Is CTV tag | 0/1 |
active | Is Demand active | 0/1 |
user_mvr | VAST Requests Limit | from 1 to 5 (highest) |
| JS/Flash Preference for Demand | 0 - auto 1 - use flash by default 2 - use JS by default 3- use flash only 4- use js only |
vast_type | Demand Type | 0 - Vast 1 - CedatoX |
partner_id | Demand Partner Id | |
domain_list_type | List restriction type | 1 - white list 2- black list |
cx_traffic_source_allowed_html | Allow assigning HTML players | for CedatoX Demands only |
cx_traffic_source_allowed_vast | Allow assigning VAST players | for CedatoX Demands only |
parentNetworkId | Demand partner network Id | for CedatoX Demands only |
domain_lists | Domain Lists Object | see below |
vast_players | Assigned Supplies Object | see below |
vast_capping | Capping Object | see below |
callbacks | Callbacks Object | see below |
targeting | Targeting Object | see below |
Domain Lists (domain_lists)
Attribute Name | Summary |
id | List Id |
name | List Name |
list_items_counter | Number of items in list |
created | Created Timestamp |
updated | Updated Timestamp |
Assigned Supplies (vast_players)
Attribute Name | Summary | Possible Values |
playerId | Supply Id | |
active | Is currently assigned | 0/1 |
name | Player Name | |
type | Player Type | 0 - html 1- vast 2- cedatoX |
general_active | Is player active | |
parentNetworkId | Network id of demandX associated (relevant only for cedatoX players) | |
cedatoXVastId | Id of demandX associated (relevant only for cedatoX players) |
Attribute Name | Summary | Possible Values |
callbackId | Callback ID | int |
url | Callback URL | string |
typeId | Callback Type | 0 - pixel 1- js |
eventId | Callback Event | 2 - Ad Start/IVT Callback 3 - Ad Complete 4 - Ad Click |
rate | Callback Rate | default 100% |
Capping (vast_capping)
Attribute Name | Summary | Possible Values |
id | Capping Object Id | |
cappingType | Capping Type | 1 - Daily Impressions 2 - Daily Ad Requests |
cappingValue | Capping Value | |
paceOption | 1 - ASAP 2- EVEN | |
created | Created Date | |
updated | Updated Date |
Attribute Name | Summary | Possible Values |
targeting_id | Targeting Object Id | |
country_codes_oper | Include/Exclude countries | 0 - exclude 1 - include |
country_codes | Country codes | list of country codes |
browsers_oper | Include/Exclude browsers | 0 - exclude 1 - include |
browsers | Browsers with versions browser:from-to | cr:30-latest - Chrome ff:17-latest - Firefox op:15-latest - Opera ie:7-latest - Explorer/Edge sa:5-latest - Safari |
os_oper | Include/Exclude operating system | 0 - exclude 1 - include |
os | Operating systems with version os:from-to | and:4.0-latest - Android osx:10.5-latest - OsX ios:7-latest - ios win:7-latest - Windows |
sizes_oper | Include/Exclude player sizes | 0 - exclude 1 - include |
sizes | Players sizes list a:from-to (width x height) | a:0-75000 - Small a:230400-all - Medium a:75001-230399 - Large custom - other |
Sample Request
curl -X GET \ https: // \ -H 'accept: application/json' \ -H 'api-version: 1' \ -H 'authorization: Bearer ' |
Sample Response
{ "status": "OK", "data": { "demand": { "vastId": "123456789", "name": "my special demand", "cpm": "9", "url": "", "is_mobile_web": "0", "is_mobile_app": "0", "is_desktop": "1", "active": "1", "user_type": "0", "user_mvr": 1, "vast_type": "0", "parentNetworkId": null, "domain_list_type": "2", "domain_lists": [ { "id": "2123", "name": "My List", "list_items_counter": "18952", "created": "2016-05-05 03:14:12", "updated": "2016-05-05 03:14:12" } ], "vast_players": [ { "playerId": "789456", "active": "0", "name": "my player1", "is_desktop": "0", "is_mobile_web": "0", "is_mobile_app": "0", "type": "2", "general_active": "1", "parentNetworkId": "5555", "cedatoXVastId": "6666" }, { "playerId": "7896544", "active": "0", "name": "my player 2", "is_desktop": "0", "is_mobile_web": "0", "is_mobile_app": "0", "type": "2", "general_active": "1", "parentNetworkId": "8888", "cedatoXVastId": "99999" } ], "vast_capping": [ { "id": "8753", "cappingType": "1", "cappingValue": "25991", "paceOption": "1", "created": "2017-05-01 01:53:24", "updated": "2017-09-13 07:18:51" }, { "id": "15123", "cappingType": "2", "cappingValue": "10000000", "paceOption": "2", "created": "2017-05-01 01:53:24", "updated": "2017-07-25 08:27:02" } ], "callbacks": [ { "callbackId": "93001", "typeId": "1", "eventId": "2", "rate": "100" } ], "targeting": [ { "targeting_id": "54659", "country_codes_oper": "1", "country_codes": "AD,AS", "browsers_oper": "1", "browsers": "ff:35-latest", "os_oper": "0", "os": "", "sizes_oper": "2", "sizes": "a:75001-230399,a:230400-all,a:0-0" } ] } } } |