Create a new player

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Learn how to create a player for a new or existing domain.

Our player creator is designed as a series of intuitive menus that allow you full control over the actions and visuals of a player within the dashboard. The top bar allows you to filter your players by name or domain, with an included search bar for locating specific players with ease.

Create a new player

To create a new player from scratch:

  1. Access the EX.CO platform by logging into your account.

  2. In the main navigation, click Players.

  3. In the top-right corner of the Players page, click Create > New Player.

  4. Provide a name for your new player and assign it to the relevant domain.

    1. Giving a unique name to each player enables you to distinguish between and locate players.

    2. If the player you're creating is for demo purposes, follow the appropriate steps to disable monetization and prevent submission to demand partners for approval.

  5. Click Create.

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