Control your player's positioning, playback and sizing.
In the Players listing, find the Actions column of the player you wish to edit, click the three-dot icon (…), and select Edit.
In the Video Player Editor window, click the Behavior tab.
In the Behavior section, open one of three sub-sections:
- Sticky Settings - Manage the player's floating and sticky behavior.
- Playback Mode - Choose how the video content is played.
- Size & Margin - Set specific sizing and surrounding space.
Sticky Settings
The video player can anchor itself to an area of a desktop or device's viewport, based on the type of trigger chosen.
Under Trigger, select the event type that will initiate the player.
Non-persistent in player load - The sticky player loads after the main player. If the Sticky player was closed it will not appear again.
Non-persistent when player in-view - The sticky player will not initiate before the main player was in view. If the sticky player was closed it will not appear again.
Only sticky in player load -The sticky player starts playing at page load, before the main player is visible. If the sticky player was closed it will not appear again.
Persistent in player load - The sticky player will appear before the main player loads.
Playback Mode
Under Playback mode, the playlist loops by default. To play the playlist once only, toggle Loop playlist off.
Under both Desktop, and Mobile, set how playback is handled:
Playback begins automatically on page load. -
The user must click to commence playback. -
Play in-view / Pause out-of-view
Playback automatically starts when the player scrolls into view, and pauses each time it is scrolled out of view. -
Auto-play in-view
Playback automatically starts when the player scrolls into view. -
Auto-play / Pause out-of-view
Playback begins automatically on page load, and pauses each time the player is scrolled out of view.
Size & Margin
The player is responsive, adapting its size to fit any placement. You can also set custom width, padding and margins for each device type to suit your design needs.
Under both Desktop, and Mobile, override the player's automatically-responsive resizing by setting the player width in pixels.
Under Margins, set any top, right, bottom and left margins, in pixels.
Click Restore to revert any behavior settings back to their defaults.