EX.CO Tip: Why 100% Video Coverage is a Game Changer for Publishers |
To optimize content performance, viewer engagement, and monetization opportunities, we recommend following these best practices for implementation:
- Ideally, position your main player unit as a Hero element or above the fold. This ensures higher visibility and engagement.
- Aim to place it no lower than under the second paragraph in your page layout to maintain viewer attention.
- The recommended player size for Desktop is a minimum width of 410px, and for Mobile a minimum width of 320px. The player is responsive and will automatically adapt to a 16:9 aspect ratio.
Video setup:
- Use autoplay for videos while ensuring they are in view to capture immediate viewer interest.
- The video sound should be Off by default.
Sticky Player:
- Implement sticky video features for both mobile and desktop. This keeps the video in view even as the user scrolls, enhancing engagement, and maximizing monetization opportunities.
- In most cases, the sticky player dimensions should be smaller than the main player. Depending on the site layout, it can vary between 50% of the original width on Mobile and up to 80% of the original width on Desktop.
Ad Scheme:
- For monetization, consider using Pre-rolls or ad pods (two ads played consecutively) before each video. Pre-roll ads are beneficial as they provide higher engagement, and less interruption for the viewer.
- Additionally, a Mid-roll ad every 30 seconds can be effective for sustained viewer engagement and revenue generation. The frequency of the Mid-roll can be changed according to the Video content length, ensuring a smooth user experience while sustaining the opportunity to monetize.
- Utilize video content, either from your own media library or from the EX.CO syndicated content library. This diversifies your content offerings and caters to different viewer preferences.
Video content has been consistently proven to improve audience engagement and Publisher revenues, so make sure to check out the EX.CO Video Marketplace to check out the possibilities of strengthening your own Video offering. More details are available here - EX.CO Video Marketplace.
How to ensure compliance with Google’s video guidelines
Player Size
- Player size - All video players must maintain a standard aspect ratio ( 4:3, 16:9, 1:1, 3:4,9:16)
- Video player – At least 256 PX in the longer dimension or 144 PX in the shorter dimension. ( in the picture is an example of a bad implementation – less than 256 PX)
Autoplay below the fold
- When the Ad is on auto-play below the fold, with random sound and unmuted, that is a violation.
- At least 50% of the Ad unit must be visible
- Only one video Ad can be played in view at any given time.
- All types of video players are included (sticky, in-stream, out-stream, in-banner, and display)
Compliant Sticky Player Requirements
- The sticky player must be fully viewable and non-sticky before transitioning to sticky mode.
- If the sticky ad overlaps more than one edge, it must include a dismissal feature.
Can Sticky Video Players overlap with ads and content
When is a dimissal feature required?
Can the dismissal feature overlap with ads?
No, there must not be a video ad that is clickable within 30 PX of the edge of the dismissal feature. Why? Accidental clicks.
- More video ads than content – (spam rate) The sum duration of the video content must exceed the sum duration of the video ads.
- Muted Ads - Video ads must either be audible by default or properly declared as muted placement. (to insure the user is receiving all the information about the ad. ( what he can see, hear) refine
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