An article is a great solution for creators or publishers wanting to showcase something such as a blog post or long-form information in a more interactive way. It will help you to transform your ordinary linear content into something much more memorable and engaging.

Using an article, you're able to utilize the full range of EX.CO experiences all in one place.

Our Template Library offers a range of Article templates you can simply select, edit and adapt to your own needs, or if you prefer, you can create from scratch with a blank canvas.

Creating from scratch

  1. In the Template Library, click Create from scratch.

  2. Select Article and click Continue.

  3. Choose which module or experience to start with:

    Remember, with an article, you're building a complete page, so it doesn't really matter which option you select. You can always add, edit or delete at a later point. If you're not sure what to start with, under Content Experiences, click Text.

    You can add another experience to your page by selecting it from the bottom area. This might be another block of text, a video, or one of our other options. Once selected it will appear on the page below your initial selection.

  4. The icons to the left of your modules offer several options. You're able to move each module up or down the page, you can duplicate them, and delete them too, if required.

  5. Build your page, and don't forget to save it when you're done.

  6. Click Launch and it's all ready to be embedded in your chosen destination.