Upload Video Content popup:
- In the Upload video popup screen, you will find a ‘Set Embargo’ button in the bottom left cornet
- A click on it will open a popup screen to schedule video availability for your content
- In the popup window, you can select the video/s you want to set an embargo for
- You can set embargo per video items using the time and date picker icon next to every item
- You can also set an embargo to multiple or all videos you’ve uploaded
- By selecting the checkbox above the table you can mark all videos uploaded
- At the top right corner, you have a timer icon to open the time and date picker for all videos
- The timezone for the popup window is set based on your browser timezone
Media library:
- In the media library, when you hoover on a media item you will see a menu icon for actions
- In it, you will find the ‘Schedule’ button.
- A click on it will open a popup screen to schedule video availability for your content
- In the popup window, you can select the video/s you want to set an embargo for
- You can set embargo per video items using the time and date picker icon next to every item
- You can also set an embargo to multiple or all videos you’ve uploaded
- By selecting the checkbox above the table you can mark all videos uploaded
- At the top right corner, you have a timer icon to open the time and date picker for all videos
- The timezone for the popup window is set based on your browser timezone
- You can cancel a scheduling set for a video using the actions menu for every video item. Clicking on it for a scheduled item will reveal the ‘Unschedule’ button which will immediately cancel the scheduling set for the video item.
When an embargo is in place, the video won't be playable on the platform's player until its scheduled availability time. No matter if that was through manual addition, association with a dynamic playlist based on relevant tags identified, found highly relevant by the contextual engine, or by being targeted to play first through video targeting.